David Yang bio photo

David Yang

A graduate school student in Taiwan.

pingjing.yang@gmail.com Facebook Github

###git use experience standard workflow

modified ==> add ==> commit ==> push

undoing local changes(before staging)

git checkout <filename> # return to the state of last commit

undoing staged changes(before committing)

git reset HEAD <filename> # get to the state of the above code

removing commits from a branch

git reset —hard v1/hashcode # revert to certain version code 

move file

git mv oldname newname

equals to

mv oldname newname
git add newname
git rm oldname

getting old version

git hist
git checkout/co <hash>
git checkout master # get to the lastest state of the branck master(default branch)

tagging versions

git tag v1 # tag the current version v1
git checkout v1^ # get to the parent version of v1

create a branch

git checkout -b <branchname>

switch between branches

git checkout <branchname>

merge the branches

git checkout greet # destination
git merge master # branch to be merged from

rebasing, another way for merging (leave a linear and much easier to read chain of commits), but should be carefull to use it for it rewriting the commit history

git co greet
git rebase master 

get repository

git clone <address>

fetching changes from remote repository and combine them to the repository

git fetch
git merge origin/master

equals to

git pull

add a local branch that tracks a remote branch

git branch —track localname origin/remotename
git branch -a

bare repository (repository without working directories)

git clone —bare source reponame barereponame.git

pushing a change to a remote repository

do the correct
git checkout master
git add filename
git commit …
git push shared master

adding a remote repository

git remote add shared remoterepoaddress

pulling shared changes

git remote add shared remoterepoaddress
git branch —track shared master
git pull shared master

difference between git reset and revert

git reset destifilename # like not exist startpoint
git revert HEAD #create another could share the reversed changes twith other

when git push, prompt fatal: Reference has invalid format: ‘refs/heads/master (linux’s conflicted copy 2014…)

  • solution

      cd repository
      find . -type f -name "* conflicted copy*" -exec rm -f {} \;
      awk '!/conflicted/' .git/packed-refs > temp && mv temp .git/packed-refs

    git init # create a .git/ directory to save all the information about the stuff git status # main branch # master branch

    . . . . . #main branch (master) . . . .#used to test other functions

    git add ./file_name git commit -m(means add a message) “content” git log # see the structure commit unique codels

    git checkout hash_number # go back to an old version, be careful

    remote location nickname always be origin git pull origin master # pull from remote origin to my computer git push git remote -v # to see the remote repositories name